samedi 20 avril 2024 - 03 h30
Death Al Dente: A Gourmet Detective Mystery
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Univision Canada (Univision Canada), poste 252
Drama Movie - 90 min - EN - G - 2016
(Death Al Dente: A Gourmet Detective Mystery) CAN. 2016. When Henry Roth is hired to find the best Italian chef for a new high-end eatery, murder was not on the menu. As the body count climbs, Henry and Maggie find themselves at the heart of another mystery with deadly consequences.
Réalisation :
Terry Ingram
Avec :
Dylan Neal
Ali Skovbye
Matthew Kevin Anderson
Rediffusions :
dimanche 21 avril, 02h00

Vote des internautes (3)
Moyenne : 2.3
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