samedi 22 mars 2025 - 00 h00
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PIX11 New York (WPIX), poste 224

Drama Program - 30 min - EN - 1994

Six singles share their experiences of life and love in New York City. Monica: Courteney Cox. Ross: David Schwimmer. Chandler: Matthew Perry.

Avec :
Jennifer Aniston (Rachel Karen Green)
David Schwimmer (Ross Eustace Geller)
Matthew Perry (Chandler Muriel Bing)
Matt LeBlanc (Joey Francis Tribbiani)
Lisa Kudrow (Phoebe Buffay)
Courteney Cox Arquette (Monica E. Geller)

Rediffusions :
dimanche 23 mars, 01h00


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Moyenne : 4.2

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