dimanche 31 mars 2024 - 10 h00
Making Something Great
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Women NETWORK (W Network HD), poste 710
Romantic Comedy Movie - 120 min - EN - G - 2021
CAN. 2021. A restaurant makeover show host gets a new assignment to turn a rustic small-town diner into a place on the culinary map. As she spends time with the diner owner in and out of the kitchen, she discovers the joy of good comfort food, and a thing she just might call love.
Réalisation :
Robert Lieberman
Avec :
Erin Cahill
Jesse Hutch
Francesca Bianchi
Rediffusions :
mercredi 29 mai, 08h00

Vote des internautes (4)
Moyenne : 3.3
Votre évaluation

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