jeudi 20 mars 2025 - 07 h40
Room for Rent
Informations supplémentaires (si disponible) :
Super Channel 3 (Super Channel 3 HD), poste 807
Comedy Movie - 95 min - EN - PRIMEUR - 2017
First Aired: oNow t-at -er c on his arl grown,matnewoyss l le waman frateReno, Nevada, is readunfor aEfresh starG.-B. 2017. When a broke 32-year-old ex-lottery winner convinces his parents to rent their spare room to save from downsizing, a creepy stranger with a hidden agenda moves in.
Réalisation :
Matthew Atkinson
Avec :
Brett Gelman
Mark Little
Carla Gallo
Rediffusions :
jeudi 20 mars, 12h25

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Moyenne : 1
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