mercredi 26 mars 2025 - 08 h00
The Incredible 25th Year of Mitzi Bearclaw
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STARZ (STARZ2 HD), poste 817

Comedy Movie - 100 min - EN - 2019

First Aired: October 14 2020

CAN. 2019. As Mitzi Bearclaw faced with a decision, stay in the city to pursue her dreams or return to her reserve to care for her sick mother. She reluctantly heads home, and after a year of anger, loss and love, Mitzi begins to question her destiny.

Réalisation :
Shelley Niro

Avec :
Gary Farmer
Roseanne Supernault
MorningStar Angeline

Rediffusions :
lundi 31 mars, 12h15


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