Mediaset Italia (Mediaset Italia), poste 249
Drama Program - 60 min - EN - 2017
First Aired: April 16 2017Portrays the life of the former First Lady of the United States, Jacqueline Kennedy in the aftermath of the of the assassination of her husband, President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, as she becomes Jackie O.
Avec :
Katie Holmes (Jacqueline Kennedy)
Matthew Perry (Ted Kennedy)
Ted Atherton (Ted Sorensen)
Kristin Booth (Ethel Kennedy)
Ari Cohen (David Burke)
Kristen Hager (Joan Kennedy)
Diana Hardcastle (Rose Kennedy)
Kevin Kirkham (Sargent Shriver)
Carson Reaume (David Kennedy)
Erin Agostino (Christina Onassis)
Brett Donahue (John F. Kennedy Jr.)
Alexander Siddig (Aristóteles Onassis)

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