lundi 24 mars 2025 - 09 h05
The Three Musketeers: D'Artagnan
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Crave (Crave 1), poste 211

Action Movie - 125 min - EN - G - 2023

(Les trois mousquetaires: D'Artagnan) FR. 2023. D'Artagnan arrives in Paris trying to find his attackers after being left for dead, which leads him to a real war where the future of France is at stake. He aligns himself with Athos, Porthos and Aramis, three musketeers of the King.

Réalisation :
Martin Bourboulon

Avec :
François Civil
Vincent Cassel
Romain Duris

Rediffusions :
jeudi 27 mars, 14h20


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