mercredi 03 avril 2024 - 12 h35
Tia and Piujuq
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STARZ (STARZ2 HD), poste 817

Drama Movie - 85 min - EN - 2018

First Aired: December 04 2019

CAN. 2018. Summer moves slowly for Tia, a 10-year-old Syrian girl who has recently moved to Montreal with her parents, as she struggles to make new friends. When she finds a magic portal that transports her to the arctic tundra, she befriends Piujuq, an Inuk girl of her age, and they immerse themselves in a world of Inuit myth and magic.

Réalisation :
Lucy Tulugarjuk

Avec :
Tia Bshara
Eiman Aljaber
Nuvvija Tulugarjuk

Rediffusions :
vendredi 21 juin, 12h35


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